Get to Know Food Concepts—and How We Can Help You
If you’ve been searching for a no-hassle way to save money and time on food preparation for your institution or facility, look no further than Food Concepts. Get to know our company and how we can make your kitchen staff’s jobs easier, safer, and more efficient.
Building Partnerships for a Healthy Future Since 1980
Founded in 1980 by Taylor Bumbalough, Food Concepts began as a small industrial manufacturer, making powdered coffee blends under the holding company Coffee Connexion. Since then, Food Concepts has moved into institutional food service, primarily for correctional and detention facilities around the country, acting as a direct-to-unit or into-distribution custom manufacturer.
Put 40 Years of Research
& Development on Your Side
We’ve spent 40 years developing correctional formulations, and our ability to meet specific customer needs is unmatched. Our four centrally located facilities bypass distribution centers and allow for lowered direct freight costs.
Partner with a
Company that Cares
We work with the TN Department of Corrections, Wilson County Courts, Smith County Misdemeanor Recovery Court Program, and many others to help support the goals of many prisons and jails to reduce recidivism.
Buy Products Made to
Meet Your Needs
Family-owned and operated, Food Concepts specializes in powdered food and beverage products, including coffee, milk replacements, sauces/seasonings, pudding/gelatin, and shelf-stable meals.
Do the Right Thing for People
and the Environment
Our products are not only health-focused but also environmentally friendly. Powdered products are more efficient to store and transport and produce far less waste than comparable liquid products.
With Food Concepts, You Won’t Have to Compromise
If you’ve found that you have to give up taste, convenience, affordability, or religious compliance to serve food in your facility, it’s time to rethink. You don’t have to make compromises when you purchase products from Food Concepts.
With every order, you’ll get:
- Live Customer Service
- Easy Preparation
- Significant Freight Savings
- Custom Blending
- Kosher & Halal Certified Foods
- HCAPP Compliance
- Food Safety Program
- Ongoing Research & Development
- EDI Capability
- PIA Experience
See Products in the Catalog
Are You Ready to Save on Freight Costs? Let’s Go!
When you pay to ship prepared foods, you’re paying to ship mostly water—which is heavy!
Consider these calculations before placing your next institutional food order:
Tomato Paste
Canned Tomato Sauce can contain 89% water. One 25 lb. Case of FC Red Sauce YIELDS approximately four Cases of 6/#10 Cans of Tomato Sauce. This equates to 188 lb. of Canned Sauce Freight compared to 25 lb. when using FC products. This saves 87% in Freight.
In regard to valuable storage space, a Food Concepts case cube requires less than one cubic foot, while four cases of 6/#10 Sauce take up approximately four cubic feet. The use of Food Concepts products saves 75% in storage space.
Safety and Refuse are also huge benefits when using Food Concepts’ high-quality, water-added-only sauce.